sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

The Bird and The Bee

Es un dúo musical indiepop alternativo originario de Los Ángeles, California.
Dúo formado por Greg Kurstin "bee" y Inara George "bird".

Greg e Inara se conocieron años atrás, y descubrieron su común amor al Jazz, empezaron a jugar por horas a cantar y adivinar canciones que cada uno conocía. 

Canciones después, escribieron una canción juntos y así fue como decidieron empezar a grabar juntos y formar un dúo, algo así como un dúo dinámico.

Un dato importante, pero más que nada curioso, es que varias de sus canciones han aparecido como soundtrack en una de las series más famosas del mundo TV, "Grey's Anatomy" ha utilizado varias de sus canciones como soundtrack en diversos episodios, que padre, no creen? 

Apuesto a que no sabían eso... (ni yo) pero en fin, The Bird and The Bee es un dúo lleno de sorpresas, y estoy segura que a ustedes también los sorprenderá.

Sé que sus canciones les encantaran por ejemplo mi favorita (hasta el momento) es la de "Love letter to Japan" amó esa canción, a demás de que el ritmo esta así como bien funky, sé que les gustará (: 

Les dejo el link para que vean el video ... y vean y escuchen más canciones de ellos. (; 

¡Arriba The Bird and The Bee !

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Design Of System Information

• Design files and database

The database design is the process of determining the organization of a database, including its structure, content and applications to be developed.

The database design has come to be part of the general education of the computer, at the same level as the ability to build algorithms using a conventional programming language.
The database design is now considered a stable discipline, methods and techniques.

The databases are essential components of information systems, routinely used in all computers. The database design has become a popular activity, developed not only professionals but also by non-specialists.

The database technology now has a theoretical framework, which includes relational database theory, query processing and optimization, concurrency control, transaction management and recovery, etc..
The design of a database is a complex process involving many different decision levels.
  • File Handling
The conceptual design objective is to describe the information content of the database and no storage structures that will be needed to handle this information.

One of the main functions of an operating system is storage management, for which it is necessary to have a "File System."

File organizations have evolved over time. At first, the files were on tape, so that access was sequential and therefore increased the cost of access as the file grew in size. Since large files could not handle sequentially, the appearance of the disks led to begin using the indexes.
An index is a small file with a list of keys and pointers where the search is faster.

A file is a collection of data that is stored on a physical medium and which is assigned a name. The home directory of that hierarchy is called root and is symbolized by a forward slash (/).
• Organization of data or hardware or software

The logical design of the conceptual framework and results in a logical pattern. A logical schema is a description of the structure of the database in terms of data structures that can process one type of DBMS. A logic model is a language used to specify logical schema (relational model, network model, etc..). The logical design depends on the type of DBMS that will be used not depend on the particular product.

The physical design of the logical framework and results in a physical layout. A physical schema is a description of the implementation of a database in secondary memory, storage structures and methods used to have efficient access to data. Therefore, the physical design depends on the specific DBMS and the physical schema is expressed by its data definition language.

Logical design specifies what is stored in the physical design specifies how to save. The physical design is not an isolated step, as some decisions taken during its development, for example to improve performance, can lead to a restructuring of the logical schema.

Administration of a database (DBMS English)

The database management system, or DBMS, is a computer software program that is designed as the means of managing all databases that are currently installed on a system hard drive or network.

Different types of database management systems exist, with some of them designed for the oversight and proper control of databases that are configured for specific purposes.

This means that it is possible to designate one or more database administrators who may control each function, as well as provide other users with various levels of administration rights.

Data structures are what allows DBMS to interact with the data without causing and damage to the integrity of the data itself.

The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and provides ways for the data to be modified or extracted by users or other programs.

A DBMS is a set of software programs that controls the organization, storage, management, and retrieval of data in a database. DBMSs are categorized according to their data structures or types.

The DBMS accepts requests for data from an application program and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data. 

Norah Jones

No es por nada pero el Viernes 05/Noviembre asistí a uno de los eventos que en lo personal lo catalogo como uno de los mejores.

Norah Jones , vino a la Ciudad de México y ofreció un concierto (que digo concierto... conciertaso) en el hermoso Auditorio Nacional.

Cuando llegue ahí, me quede impresionada de ver por primera ves el Auditorio Nacional.
 Aparte de que estaba haciendo un frío.... eran las 7:20 de la tarde y los puestos con playeras, discografía completa de Norah se empezaban a notar, cada vez más y más, el tiempo pasaba tan rápido que la hora se acercaba cada segundo a segundo.

Con la tanta emoción (y frío) mi corazón latía rápidamente y cada vez más... Finalmente las 8:00 de la Noche solo faltaba 30 min para que comenzara el inolvidable concierto y mi alegría estaba al por mayor.

Las llamadas no se hicieron esperar, en el Auditorio empezaron a escucharse los pasos apresurados de todos los anfitriones ansiosos de llegar a la sala.

Para calmar el frío, y la emoción fui a comprar un chocolate caliente en la cafetería que se encontraba dentro del Auditorio.

"Segunda llamada, segunda llamada" mis nervios volvieron, casi casi corrí hacia la sala, no quería perderme ni un solo segundo del concierto.

Entre a la Sala y me quede (literalmente) con la boca abierta, era realmente impresionante, la sala hermosa, super grande, simplemente WOW!

Se escucho la ultima y tercera llamada, las luces se tornaron bajas, en el fondo del escenario, se alcanzaba a ver una luz azul, detrás de unas cortinas blancas que se desplazaban como cascada.

Sombras en forma de siluetas empezaron a llenar el escenario, todos guardábamos ansioso, tratando de encontrar en la oscuridad a Norah Jones.

De repente, la silueta de una mujer en el centro del escenario, con una guitarra puesta, fue iluminada con una luz blanca.... Shock era Norah Jones.

Parecíamos locos, nos pusimos de pie, gritamos y digo gritamos porque no era la única, aplaudimos, otros chiflaban, otr@s le gritaban, flash por aquí, flash por allá.

Fue una noche llena de magia y alegría por tanta y tanta música. Realmente quede encantada con Norah apesar del semejante frío que hacia durante la noche que parecia entre larga y corta.

Amé ese día<3 les dejo un videito de Norah espero les guste Even Though - Norah Jones

19 al 30 noviembre

¡Cambia tu Profile Picture!

No sé ustedes pero yo me cuestionaba acerca del por qué Facebook esta lleno de profile pictures con imagenes de anime y caricaturas.

Me he puesto a investigar, porque seré sincera.. no tenía la menorrr idea.. y en caso de que ustedes también se lo pregunten aqui les va la respuesta.

Desde el pasado Viernes 19 de Noviembre hasta el último día de este mes, cada uno de nosotros debemos de cambiar nuestra Profile Picture en Facebook o Twitter, por una con nuestro personaje o caricatura favorita de cuando eramos niños, con este cambio de foto ayudamos a una lucha contra la violencia infantil.

Así que si tú como yo, aún no tienes la foto de tu caricatura o personaje favorito.. que esperas ve buscando una, y creéme encontraras recuerdos realmente hermosos de cuando eramos todos unos/unas pequeñas :)

Suerte con la busqueda Y apoyemos a una buena causa.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

System Information Design

System Information Design

The definition of system architecture and the technological environment that will support, along with detailed specification of information system components. 

From the information, generate all the construction specifications
on the system itself and the technical description of the test plan, defining the implementation requirements and design of the migration procedures and initial load, the latter where appropriate.

Ideal characteristics designs of system information
      Design of an effective Entry: design entries depends on the outputs, inputs must be effective, simple, precise, consistent, attractive and easy to use.

      Design of Entry consists of two lines bases, and display formats.The screen lineamineto should be simple, consistent and attractive.The guideline format should be easy to fill, satisfy the purpose for which it was designed and accurate.

      Design of an effective exit: the output is the information that users receive the information system.output is designed to meet the stated objective, which is adaptable to the user, providing the right information.


      Design of the user input interface: is where you consult the questions and answers based on relationship. consists of 2 types. Language form and language of action.

      * Natural language interface based on simple machine-user conversation.

      * Questions and answers on the screen presents the user a question to obtain an answer set. 
       * Menus: are lists of options for procedures that are presented to users, so various tasks associated structure.

      * Forms of input / output display fields that contain data that need to be communicated to the user both physically and in digital format.

      * Direct management interface: it provides the user graphically.

      Design of precise procedures of data capture: the goal of capturing data is that the capture quality determines the quality of output information. this defines an efficient coding, capture and efficient data entry, classification and booking information.

        jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

        System Information

        What is...?

        Analysis to Decision making systems:

        Decision-making systems today has become increasingly complex due to the characteristics of the economic environment facing firms and the amount of information to be used.

        Decision making has become therefore a key factor in the administrative process throughout the organization, as well as the importance of dealing with data sharing and have the information in the right place at the right time. This has been implemented systems to support decision making (DSS) that can more efficiently accomplish this.

        The strategic decision that involves determining the objectives, policies and resources of an organization which is responsible for the management of enterprises.

        Decision making skills level is responsible for the innovation of new products, services and distribute information within the organization. 

        Decision-making for operational control determines how to perform specific tasks set at medium and high levels of management. 

        Structured decisions are those that have a clearly defined process to take place, ie that are routinely performed, no change, for example, the selection of staff in a company for a particular position is always given the same way. 

        Unstructured decisions do not have a default procedure, which must make a decision based on criteria, opinions and views on the problem presented, and the environment in which lies the problem to be solved: eg Decisions on investments in a company when you generate extra income.

        Semi-structured decisions are that part of the problem is structured and some other elements are not. An example of this is found in cases of promotion of staff, as some factors are predetermined and not others.

        Structured Language:

        Structured language is a limited natural language words and constructions, which gives you more more precision and clarity.

        Structured language is a tool that can be used in the specification of processes, systems development.

        The structured language can be used to specify an algorithm. Then, for the computer can process it must be transformed or "translated" to a specific programming language.

        Decision Tree:

        The decision tree is a diagram representing a sequential conditions and actions show what conditions are considered first, second and so on. This method allows to show the relationship between each condition and the group of permissible actions associated with it.

        Decision tree works to discrete functions, where the objective is to determine the combined value of a set of variables, and based on the value of each, determine the action to be taken.

        Decision Trees are efficient when it is necessary to describe problems with more than one dimension or condition.

        Decision trees are not always the best tool for decision analysis. The decision tree of a complex system with many sequences of steps and combinations of conditions can be quite large.